Sunday, May 22, 2022

This, That and the Other Thing

Greetings and happy Spring, everyone. Weather is certainly a bit schizophrenic; moving between the 40s one week, the high 80s the next, but certainly welcome the warming trend, however abrupt. Soon I'll be spending the weekends playing outside so thought I would get a blog out before I go MIA.

Love Life Update

After several years of online dating, I often boast about the fact that I've seen it all at this point. God knows, I've seen a lot of odd things, some of which I've shared in blogs, like Online Dating in Your 50s and New Beginnings: From Darkness Comes Light.

That said, I will say that was before I laid my eyes on Sexy Scoob. So it appears to be a grown ass man who wants you to treat him like a dog. There was another pic of him being fed Pup-Peroni but thought it best to not include that one. 

Now while I certainly understand people have their kinks, and I don't judge them for that. But surely there is a website or app for people or "furries" who are looking for...well whatever it is they are looking for? Now saying that, Chicago is quite cold in the winter so perhaps snuggling up with Sexy Scoob is right up someone's alley.  

Then there was Jake...not exactly sure what to say about him...other than huh? I mean his profile pretty much says it all. No idea if "meat sandwich" is a euphemism for something else. I would categorize him as "dick forward" as described in my last blog, but despite him mentioning "it," I'm still not entirely sure if this is a guy. Yes, I passed on him too. I know; I'm so picky! 

Last month I took a date (my 4th choice) to see a Jack White concert, which I was super stoked about. On the way to the show, my date said, "Oh yeah, I know him. He was in a band with Justin Timberlake, right?"  This was my expression. A piece of my soul died that night. $100 per ticket and my date thinks we are seeing someone from a boy band in the 90s. Sigh. 

Reminded me of taking crazy ex boyfriend Dave to see the Black Keys and he spent half the night running around the United Center trying to find ear plugs. God help me.

I broke two rules on one date last month. I ate raw sushi and rode on a motorcycle in the city--all on the same date! The sushi was seared, and quite delicious, and the motorcycle ride was a result of it being really cold out and needing to pee rather urgently. Either way, breaking my own rules. And he had an earring.  Slippery slope. 

Note: my mom is probably asking her church lady friends to start a prayer chain for me. 

Breaking bad

Friday night I was out on a date at a restaurant called Etta. At some point, I went to the bathroom and while I was in there, I could hear a rowdy group of guys clearly having a good time right outside the door.  So emboldened by the bravery that only two glasses of wine can enable, I burst open the door to the bathroom in full ball-busting mode and playfully yelled, "Jesus, what in the hell are you boys us to?"  

Surprisingly, the two faces I'm yelling at are Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul (Breaking Bad). I'll admit there was a millisecond during which I was a bit speechless, but then mustered a "oh wow." Impressive, I know! They were super cool though; I took a group picture for them as they gave me shit for yelling at them. 

Pro-Choice is Pro Women

Oh boy, am I hopping mad over this potential supreme court challenge to Roe Vs. Wade. I get fired up about all kinds of silly things, but politically this is no issue to me that's more fundamentally important than reproductive rights. I honestly cannot believe in 2022 we are even having this conversation. What is happening in this country? What's next? Are we going to lose the right to vote? 

Fun fact: it took 16 years before women were finally granted the right to get our own credit cards, which didn't happen until 1974, the year after Roe Vs Wade. While I know it would be difficult to completely un-peel the onion, what rights of ours as women will be taken away next? Another slippery slope. Enough is enough. 

You can say what you want, but if men had ovaries and uterus, this would never ever be a conversation and certainly not a political issue. Period. If men could get pregnant, you would be able to get an abortion at an ATM. Leaving it up to the states will result in half of the country losing the right to make that choice. How did we get here? Polls show that the majority of Americans, 64%, believe it is a women's right to do what she wants with her body. 

I won't stay on my soapbox too long but it's time to mobilize, girls. We cannot allow this to continue so I encourage you all to keep donating to Planned Parenthood or the Center of Reproductive Rights. I'm certainly double-downing on my donations and will be taking to the streets as well. We as women fought too long and hard to get where we are to be set back. 

Ok, well I need to get my dogs walked so I will close here and hopefully be back before too long to continue my rant/story/therapy. Enjoy the warmer weather, everyone.

Be well and until next time,


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