Sunday, June 21, 2020

Are We Living Through the Greatest Depression?

Hello all. As a result of improved weather, open tennis courts, and now restaurant patios open, you can see that my passion for blogging has waned slightly. I opened up my overview on the Peleton app recently and it became obvious that my commitment to working out is only equal to my commitment to eating out. Fortunately, I'm back playing tennis though so hopefully I'll have no backslide and will do yogalike bloggingwhen times allows.

Is this the big one?

I always think of Redd Foxx clutching his heart and faking a heart attack in "Sanford and Son" when I say that, but I digress. I've been thinking a lot lately about this period of time we are all going through. News seems to indicate that the virus is still around as evidenced by the uptick in cases globally.

That reality has made me wonder: Will we all brag one day to the younger generation that we lived through the "Greatest Depression?" Am I one day going to do something to embarrass my grandkids—hoarding clorox wipes and toilet paper perhapsbut then someone will pipe in, "It's just because Grandma lived through the Greatest Depression?"

Why the greatest? Well, they didn't have a pandemic at the same time, right? I don't know about you, but when I think of the Great Depression, I envision everyone living in black and white and seeming quite grim.  I would also imagine that during this time, kids definitely walked to school uphillboth ways.

I did a little research and 15 million people (20% of the population at the time) lost their jobs during the Great Depression, which started after the 1929 collapse of the stock market. Half of the nation's banks failed. It followed a robust period during which the U.S. economy boomed, not unlike what we have experienced over the last several years.

Let's face it; the stats today are in some ways equally grim. As of late May, a staggering 40 million Americans have applied for unemployment, nearly 23% of the population. Add to these rather unfortunate stats is the fact that we also have a a global pandemic going on, social unrest as a result of racial discrimination and police harassment, and then there's Trump...what's next? Locust? I heard something about Killer Hornets. Are they still coming? Will all time prior to this period be considered the "good old days?"

My intention is not to make light of what we are all going through. It's thoroughly sucks, but I still have more to be thankful for than to complain about and I would imagine many of you do too. We can all still laugh and be happy, and I am going to imagine that Americans back during the Great Depression probably smiled and laughed too. Babies were born. Flowers bloomed just like they did the previous spring. Life will go on and so will we all. Wearing masks a bit longer than we would all like. Not traveling as much as we all want to, but this too shall pass.

For all the Pappa Bears

I would be remiss not to give a shout-out to the dads today. I hope you are all having great days, doing something fun. Those of you who continue to work from home with wives and kids at home, you are are all warriors. Well done.

I love my dad and wish I could be with him today to celebrate this special day.  My relationship with my dad has come a long way, and has definitely weathered some difficult periods. As a teenager, I can honestly say I did not like him, and I'm fairly certain the feeling was mutual. How was I to know he had auditioned and won the role of "bad cop" of the parental unit? His job, therefore, was to say no, and let me say he really excelled at it.

When I went to college, I basically felt as if I had mysteriously morphed into an adult and assumed I would be treated as such when I returned home. Well, apparently my dad did NOT get that memo. I came home and the house rules were the same. What?  A curfew? What??? This basic misunderstanding led to some epic battles, most of which ended badly.

In his defense, I was the bad seed in the family so we were predestined for conflict. My super smart siblings hardly ever got in trouble. I was the one who did all the bad things in high school, and often got caught in the act of doing them. But not all of the time. Just as I hate when my own kids regal me with stories of some of the shenanigans they got away with when they were in high school, I going to proclaim that ignorance is bliss on this topic.

It really wasn't until I had children of my own that I started to understand his parenting style. There is no democracy when it comes to raising them. I'm sure it secretly made him smile seeing me deal with my own when they were in their eye-rolling, sneaky-as-shit teenaged years. Turns out, he wasn't such a bad guy after all. In fact, he's a pretty amazing guy who adores my mom, his dog and his children and grandchildren.

As an adult, I have relied on his sage advice many times. The man has experienced a lot in his life, and his ability to overcome challenges through hard work, sheer will and complete determination have and will continue to inspire me. The man is quite simply true grit personified.

So thanks, Dad. Thanks for not killing me in high school when I know you pondered it. Our journey together has not always been easy but I'm so happy we are where we are now today. I hope you are enjoying your special day and I miss you.


"Bad Seed" Barbie

Missed any blogs? You can catch up with the past blogs with links below:

It's About DamnTime: Barb's First Blog

6 Tips for Working from Home

Celebrating Love Amid Dark Days

Derelict Driving and My 15 Minutes of Fame

Pandemic Family Craziness

Are We Living Through the Greatest Depression?

Why is Mother's Day a Day and Not a Week?

No-Speed Naveed and the Joys of Urban Transport

Shapewear and The Costs of Being Female

Online Dating in Your 50s 

Golf, the Cruel Mistress of Summer

From Darkness Comes Light

2021: A New Year, a New Outlook

The Barbuda Triangle

Don't Call Me a Cougar 

Bidding Adieu to a Wonderful Summer

The Time Machine in the Garage

The Benefits of Being a Certain Age

There's a Sandwich in Every Beer

Remembering the Big Ass Christmas Party

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